
Sometimes it is hard to explain the value of a logo and how much it can grow over time as the brand develops. It seems it is less difficult to explain the value of web design because people are mostly aware of the fact how much it takes to invest in website development (planning, coding, content writing, and other activities). There are many background actions we cannot easily see but we are quite aware of them. But when it comes to logo design, complex background actions are less visible so it appears like an easy job to do which in fact is not the truth.

The best example to illustrate the way the logo value changes, from the very beginning of creating a fashion brand to the point when the brand reaches its peak, comes from the fashion industry. It is easy to understand the contrast because certain articles cost a few dollars at the first (or any other currency), then many years later, with the help of branding and many powerful marketing tools, they gain in value and it’s exactly the logo that sells each product at a high price.

Famous fashion brands often change their logos, to keep pace with current trends and new design tendencies. Fabien Baron, a designer that worked for popular brands like Calvin Klein, Balenciaga, Prada, and Burberry, claims logos can fast bore consumers and become obsolete, so it is important to redesign them but only when it is really necessary and brings value.

Calvin Klein logo, during the 90s, got the status of a cult phenomenon, even the cultural phenomenon as everyone wanted to use the same font for their initials and copied the aesthetics of this famous fashion brand logo.

Logomania was a leading fashion trend in the previous few years (luckily, it is slowly decreasing now) and it impacted the increase of the value of the fashion empire symbols. All those Gucci purses, slippers, T-shirts, and other fashion details with huge logos printed, are the main indicators that it’s the logo that sells because fashion lovers appreciate logos as the status symbol but also as an indicator of success and consistent following of trends.

Let’s get back to the very process of creating a logo and its complexity. We have already mentioned some people think it is very easy to create a logo and they don’t understand the cost variations (30 euros cost, 300, or even 3000 euros cost). We will clarify the difference in the following segment.

The value of a logo
The value of a logo

The value of a logo

In one of our previous blog posts, we wrote about the cost and how to shape it. We won’t write about the cost now, our goal is to emphasize the most important points when it comes to logo value.

We would like our clients to observe the value of the logo not as an abstract category but quite the opposite, to clearly understand the impact of the quality logo on their business. We will try to clarify the significance of a good logo for your brand and why the logo will cost you more in the future if you pay cheap for it at the very start.

The use of the logo
The use of the logo

The use of the logo

Take into consideration how much you will use the logo in everyday business communication. This is a very important question, and it is important to understand it well. Cleary conceived logo may last for a long time, can be used in many ways, and applied to many different surfaces. In other words, you can use it on your website, business cards, packaging, social media, and all other materials used for marketing purposes. Now try to think about the number of people getting in touch with your logo and how much it brings value to your company. Besides, it helps boost your company’s professional visual identity.

It is not so easy to estimate how many people see your logo on a daily level (it probably happens a few times per day) and to learn about their reactions. Do they remember it, recognize it after some time, or don’t even notice it.

Logo can be used numerous times and this is exactly one of the reasons the price is higher than the one for flyers (because they are used only once). Creating a logo takes a lot of research and thinking so it becomes lasting and relevant.


The logo is a key and essential visual brand element, and the brand is a central part of each business. What makes the difference between a successful business and the one that never becomes so is actually a good brand. Your logo is part of the strategy, the one that defines your business and its direction. Besides, the logo builds connections with consumers, and it’s because of the logo the consumers will start recognizing your brand and establish a relationship with your business based on trust.

To achieve this, it is important for the logo to be unique and authentic. It should represent your business to the tiniest details, values and mission because it’s what your client will first see. How much do you value the first impression? Do you trust it?

Know-how design style
Know-how design style

Know-how design style

You know the situation when someone tells you – Please, do it, it will take you only 5 minutes.

We know you do, because in some situations, we thought it will take only 5 minutes for someone because they are expert in the field.

In other words, you don’t pay for the image only but also for the time it took to create the logo. You pay for the expertise and knowledge (knowledge and experience gathered by time). It is important to point out almost everyone can create a logo but not everyone can create a good quality logo.

There are many tings to pay attention to – if the logo is balanced, format, does it share brand’s message, is it enough to be in one color only…Now, you’ve must be thinking if it really pays off to order a cheap logo?!

In addition…

Most business owners observe logo as one of to-dos on the list, and they think they can make it by themselves in Canva. But the difference between two worlds will always exist. On one side, we have a creative agency, on the other site enthusiastic but unprofessional designer.

Usually, you get how much you paid for. So appreciate your money and affor a quality logo to your business. Appreciate people who will always have an important role in the development of your business (your designer), because logo is the crucial part of your business. If you need a logo design, always hire professionals.

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4. Skiciranje

Konačno dolazimo do onog dela, gde će kreativnost doći do izražaja i gde će sve ideje biti prenete iz glave na papir ili direktno na računar. Dok se skicira logo, ključna stvar je naći vezu između ideje i forme u kojoj će logo biti predstavljen.

Neki dizajneri vole da prve skice nekog logoa naprave na papiru, dok se drugi odlučuju da to urade direktno u programima za kreiranje logoa. Naravno, u ovome svemu je najvažniji krajnji ishod a metode za dolazak do njega mogu biti različite ili jednostavno ‘šta kod koga radi’.

Ovo je konačno faza u kojoj umetnost sreće nauku i istraživanje. Sve ono što je dizajner godinama učio i istraživao, skupljao inspiraciju – sada može primeniti na izradu skice, čime logo poprima svoje prve obrise.

Ova faza može oduzeti dosta vremena, jer je kreativna, zahteva puno koncentracije i svaki dizajner će vam reći da se njoj najviše treba posvetiti zato što je u osnovi svega IDEJA. Od nje polazimo i kada dođemo do ideje, koju ćemo dalje razviti, sve je mnogo lakše i dalje faze idu mnogo lakše.

Stigli smo na pola puta i želimo da ovde zastanemo, a o sledećim fazama možete da čitate u narednom blog postu.

Ukoliko vam je ovaj tekst bio koristan, prosledite ga prijateljima i kolegama a ako vam je potreban dizajn logoa, pišite nam.
