For all of us, working in, and living from the marketing, the covid crises will last long after the pandemic ends. At this point, any efforts to sustain or reset the market go unnoticed, either the customers stopped listening to the messages of their brands or the brand owners are too scared to invest in marketing at this moment.

Facebook and Google already announced they could potentially lose more than 44 billion dollars of income, due to the coronavirus. 

But we have to think a few steps in advance and be aware of the fact when brands start spending their marketing budgets  – it will be something completely different from a previous situation. The crises already influenced the buyers and their habits, so many of them changed their habits in using modern technologies.

Even in Serbia, online shopping has increased in comparison to the previous period. Besides, almost all the greatest brands used social media to approach their customers, so live streaming and e-learning became one of the new ways of communication. Speaking about e-learning – our kids changed their habits too and turned to the Internet even more than before. They belong to the generation we will address our campaigns to, though this is already the case.

Let’s get back to future plans. We have decided to share 3 things with you, that will probably change now that pandemics seem to be ending (or at least, we hope so).

In-house becomes a hybrid option
In-house becomes a hybrid option

1.In-house becomes a hybrid option

In-house experts were a popular trend in the past previous years. A big number of world-famous brands (including the domestic ones) simply wanted to have experts in their team, working on certain subareas within marketing. Corona will change that. 

Don’t get us wrong, of course, the companies will still have experts (which is certainly needed) but they will need to adjust to changes fast so as to keep the leadership positions in their niches. Then the agencies will pop up because it turned out the cooperation between them and big brands give much better results as the agencies are the ones who follow the trends more eagerly than individuals do. The flexibility of agencies is much bigger so this is the moment to grab the opportunity, work hard and deliver innovations.

The hybrid model assumes in-house experts will still exist and they will act as main coordinators and the ones to closely cooperate with the agencies in delivering services the companies need. This model will be changing and developing as time passes and the market change. 

Traditional marketing will finally vanish (
Traditional marketing will finally vanish (

2.Traditional marketing will finally vanish (or almost vanish)

Literally overnight (though now we know a few months is needed) corona has changed the lives of people, their habits. In marketing, it changed the way marketers work, working perception, and plan. We had to end or pause the campaigns, postpone events, or dealt with them online. 

While the digitals were in a much better position, as they were able to adjust the campaign in real life, the traditional channels of communication almost vanished. Leased billboards, TV, or ads in printed media, everything had to be annulled, and most brands withdrew their budgets till the end of 2020.

Live streams, podcasts, webinars saved the world from boredom during the quarantine. This fact shows a digital world reacted much better during the crisis than the traditional one. This confirmed the fact that the traditional channels are not needed to the extent they were needed before.

The famous song says – Everything you can do, I can do better. I can do anything better than you – This applies to digital marketing too – everything is much cheaper, efficient, and faster. 

After the crisis ends, the brands will rather choose to invest in digital than traditional marketing. 

Brands will be forced to turn to their customers more than before
Brands will be forced to turn to their customers more than before

3.Brands will be forced to turn to their customers more than before

All of us stick to social distancing. It means we all need social contact with family and friends. Where do we find the source of communication with them? Online, of course. Facebook records an increase in Messenger calls by 70%.

Social media channels have always had the power to communicate and attract a big number of people. By gathering a large number of buyers around one idea, they managed to bring the communities together and make these buyers feel as part f something big. At this moment, it is essential to make the community feel they can rely on their favorite brand – whether it offers knowledge, value, support, or just fun (because that is needed as well).

Speaking of fun, the Levi brand is an excellent example of attracting buyers through fun, and keep them loyal to their brand. Levi’s brand ambassadors, such as Snoop Dog, held live Instagram concerts, every day around 5 pm. 

This agile approach is not possible in traditional communication channels, hence digital marketing and its strategies, channels, and means won the traditional way of running a business and communication. 

This is just another reason that people will invest in digital ads more than TV ads after the crisis ends.

If you are interested in the branding topic, and the overall influence of the #COVID-19 crisis on the marketing world, then we have a post for you, published a few weeks ago, where we wrote about graphic design during the corona crisis.

We sincerely hope you read a lot of useful and interesting information in this text, so feel free to share it with your friends and colleagues, if you need a logo design, visual identity, or anything from our vast portfolio, contact us.


4. Skiciranje

Konačno dolazimo do onog dela, gde će kreativnost doći do izražaja i gde će sve ideje biti prenete iz glave na papir ili direktno na računar. Dok se skicira logo, ključna stvar je naći vezu između ideje i forme u kojoj će logo biti predstavljen.

Neki dizajneri vole da prve skice nekog logoa naprave na papiru, dok se drugi odlučuju da to urade direktno u programima za kreiranje logoa. Naravno, u ovome svemu je najvažniji krajnji ishod a metode za dolazak do njega mogu biti različite ili jednostavno ‘šta kod koga radi’.

Ovo je konačno faza u kojoj umetnost sreće nauku i istraživanje. Sve ono što je dizajner godinama učio i istraživao, skupljao inspiraciju – sada može primeniti na izradu skice, čime logo poprima svoje prve obrise.

Ova faza može oduzeti dosta vremena, jer je kreativna, zahteva puno koncentracije i svaki dizajner će vam reći da se njoj najviše treba posvetiti zato što je u osnovi svega IDEJA. Od nje polazimo i kada dođemo do ideje, koju ćemo dalje razviti, sve je mnogo lakše i dalje faze idu mnogo lakše.

Stigli smo na pola puta i želimo da ovde zastanemo, a o sledećim fazama možete da čitate u narednom blog postu.

Ukoliko vam je ovaj tekst bio koristan, prosledite ga prijateljima i kolegama a ako vam je potreban dizajn logoa, pišite nam.
