How to Sell One Type of Content to Different Target Audiences
How to Sell One Type of Content to Different Target Audiences

Marketing and sales are never an easy task, especially when it comes to budgeting for various types of content. This is often the case for small and medium-sized businesses, so it’s crucial that when creating content, several things are kept in mind. Not only do you have to create appropriate content, but you also have to extract the best from every video, visual, or carousel you make.

It becomes even more complicated when you consider that the content needs to be relevant to a larger number of target audiences. These target groups have different desires and needs, so they all need to be included in the content and create something timeless and comprehensive. Luckily, we know how to overcome this problem, and we want to share this advice with you.

What is a Shareable Content Strategy?
What is a Shareable Content Strategy?

What is a Shareable Content Strategy?

It’s a simple way to get more types of marketing content from one main piece. Here’s how it works in practice.

Group 1: Create one significant ‘piece’ of content that will be the cornerstone for the rest of your content strategy. This could be something like:

  • A guide,
  • A report,
  • An ebook,
  • A podcast,
  • A video.

It’s best if this biggest ‘piece’ of content is information-rich and comprehensively covers the topic that is the focus of your brand.

Group 2: Create a series of accompanying types of content, essentially having information from the core content – we explained that in the previous section. This content can be created through:

  • Blogs,
  • Guest posts or social media content,
  • Infographics,
  • Short videos,
  • Carousels

These types of content are ideal for promoting what’s in the first group, as they will engage the audience with the ‘main star’ of the content strategy and direct their attention to the content that provides more information.

Group 3: Create an additional batch of micro-content that promotes both the main content and what you’ve prepared for social media. These types of content are:

  • Quotes,
  • Highlights,
  • Quick tips,
  • Short videos,
  • Data visuals.

There are many benefits you’ll notice when using a shareable content strategy. It allows you to tell a complete story through platforms, but in a different way, bit by bit. This way, you’ll spend less time and create more content.

And the best thing about this kind of strategy is that you’ll be able to create content tailored to different target groups. By giving small doses of content to the target groups, you make them want to get to know the main content and constantly crave more.

5 Ways to Create Shareable Content Tailored to Your Audience
5 Ways to Create Shareable Content Tailored to Your Audience

5 Ways to Create Shareable Content Tailored to Your Audience

If you want to reach different people, you must have a unique approach to each of them. Here’s how to ensure that the additional content you create to promote the main one is relevant and interesting to different target audiences.

  1. Find a Pain Point

A pain point, problem, or challenge will always grab attention and can be an excellent starting point for a conversation. Whether you share relevant tips, your mistakes, or specific data, a content strategy built around these ideas always brings success. This kind of content seems useful to the audience, they learn from it, and it’s very likely that they’ll consume it willingly.

  1. Find an Emotional Hook

Similar to pain points, which are specific feelings, any emotional connection will always capture the attention of the viewer. The key is to determine what is relevant to your target audience and what they can identify with. If you’re not sure what would work best, think about how to create content based on these emotions.

  • Fear – What could be a trend concerning your target audience? What statistic could grab their attention?
  • Pleasure – What entertains, excites, or interests them? Is it memes or funny videos?
  • Relief – Do you have any advice that will help them save money, stress less, or sleep better?
  • Surprise – Can you come up with a ‘myth vs. truth’ story that will surprise your customers and give them insight into the product or service in a completely new way?
  1. Tell One More and One More Story

Although your main content completely covers the topic you deal with, the topic can always be further explored. A simple piece of information in an ebook can become an entire blog post. A specific trend can inspire you to create an interesting infographic. When creating additional content and providing more information to the audience about specific parts of your expertise, they gain additional value.

  1. Choose the Format that Suits You Best

Different target groups consume content in different ways. If it’s Gen Z, they demand specially designed content and mostly turn to TikTok. You can read about it in our blog post on how to design for this young generation. If you’re addressing millennials, they will appreciate reading a well-thought-out blog. If you’re putting out an ebook, you can present it through a thread on X platform, formerly known as Twitter.

  1. Share Relevant but Concise Content

People are busy and might not have the time to read your main content from start to finish. That doesn’t mean that they won’t appreciate getting a summarized version of your content. They will, indeed. Share tips with them, create an infographic, a short Reel – everything counts, and everything is useful.

How to Ensure You’re on the Same Page as Your Target Audience
How to Ensure You’re on the Same Page as Your Target Audience

How to Ensure You’re on the Same Page as Your Target Audience

Whether you’re targeting first-time moms, millennial programmers, or elderly gentlemen in retirement – there’s a best way to make an impression that will be well remembered for each of them.

  • Always consider age – Generations X, Y, Z, Alpha want different things, and with our blog, you’ll know how to understand them.
  • Address them the way they speak – You don’t want to intimidate, but you also don’t want to underestimate your audience. Address them with understanding and humanity.
  • Use insights about your ideal customers for brainstorming – User personas help you get into your customers’ heads. So if you can’t understand why a certain idea wouldn’t appeal to your customers, it’s better not to implement it as content.

Of course, the best way to connect with your target audience is to devise a robust content strategy. As it’s part of the comprehensive process of building and strengthening your brand, you need a partner with expertise in this area.

Titans create strong brands and can help you with that. We know not every brand has the time and willingness to engage in its development, and that’s exactly why we’re here. Contact us and let your brand gain new energy and experience growth.